DIVISIBLE MAN, an Exhilerating Superhero Origin Story by Howard Seaborne

The Bottom Line: DIVISIBLE MAN reimagines the superhero origin story as both an exhilarating adventure and an exploration of power, relationships and community. 

Howard Seaborne’s DIVISIBLE MAN series origin story begins as pilot Will Stewart wakes in a hospital room after a medical team worked diligently to repair his broken pelvis. Alone in his room after a morphine injection, he finds himself floating over the scene, convinced he’s hallucinating. Only later does he realize he’s actually floating involuntarily, even bumping up against the ceiling just before crashing painfully back down to earth.

Once Will comes to grips with his newfound power –the ability to not only vanish, but also defy gravity – he begins experimenting with ways to control it. While these scenes are often hilarious, author Howard Seaborne also does wonders with the fears swirling inside Will’s head. For example, in the early going, Will has already involuntarily vanished and floated twice while unconscious – what would his wife, or anyone else for that matter, think if it happened in their presence? 

The story of how Will becomes a “Survival Miracle,” having come out of a fall from his plane as it exploded in mid-air with only a seat-belt injury, makes the evening news. But solving the mystery of how the crash actually happened may be critical for Will’s future as a pilot. All signs point to the fact that he was not only lucid, but fully in command of the aircraft. If he hit something in mid-air, what was it? The answer may lie in Will’s lost memories, which are slowly returning to him.

Meanwhile, 14-year-old Lane Franklin, a close friend of the family, is abducted. As a detective of the Essex Police Department, Andy becomes involved in the investigation right away. Due to the high-profile nature of the case, a joint operation gives her access to work in the “big leagues” – the Milwaukee Police Department. Inspired by his newfound powers, it’s inevitable that a broken pelvis won’t keep Will from helping with the case. With Andy fully immersed in the official investigation, he hatches a plan to utilize his ability in the name of justice. DIVISIBLE MAN, the first book in Seaborne’s eponymously named series, delivers everything superhero fans hope for in an origin story: the acquisition of unique powers and the revelation of flaws. At the same time, Seaborne explores moral and ethical questions within the context of threats to himself and those around him. Throughout the book’s action-packed 266 pages, Will becomes a developing action hero with a tremendous amount of upside. But notably, he also remains uncommonly grounded (pun intended). Yes, Will is aware of the potential impact of his powers on his life and marriage. But Seaborne’s choice of locales is also a major factor. Had Seaborne chosen New York City, Paris or London as Will’s home base, the novel might have a more conventional vibe. As it stands, Will comes off as a hero that is uniquely devoted to his community.

Long live this midwestern American hero.

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