Trusted professional book reviews
for mystery and thriller writers
We connect great authors with new fans

Thank you
@BestThrillers for
this amazing review of

Lisa Grey, Amazon #1, Washington Post, and WSJ bestselling author

A very nice review
the folks at

Brad Thor, #1 New York Times bestselling author of 26 thrillers

Another accolade for
The Silver Waterfall,
Best Historical Thriller
in the
Book Awards.

Captain Kevin Miller USN (Ret.), military aviator and bestselling author.
Add authority to your book marketing
With more than 1M books published each year, readers are overwhelmed by choice. professional book reviews can help you expand your fan base.

Empowering authors and publishers worldwide

My review has helped place my book with top customer reviewers and online promoters, resulting in solid sales performance. Look no further.”

Tomas Byrne, author of Skin in the Game and Turning Point. understands what makes mystery and thriller fans tick. The site is now my trusted, go-to resource for the latest in these genres.
They really are ‘the best.’

Daniel Douglas, author of Truth Insurrected

An honest review from a site dedicated to your genre is pure gold. That’s why I turn to I can’t imagine a better way to put my book in front of those who will most want to read it.”

Anne Kennison, author of Death by Romance.
Book Review Packages
Book review pricing is based on speed and exposure.

$499 USD per book
2 week delivery
✓ 250 word review
✓ One-week listing on home page
✓ Permanent site category listing
✓ Featured on Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook
✓ Featured in email newsletter

$299 USD per book
5 week delivery
✓ 250 word review
✓ One-week listing on home page
✓ Permanent site category listing
✓ Featured on Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook
✓ Featured in email newsletter

$199 USD per book
9 week delivery
✓ 250 word review
✓ One-week listing on home page
✓ Permanent site category listing
✓ Featured in email newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions
How does compare vs Kirkus Reviews, vs. Clarion and other professional book review services?
We are the only comparable professional book review service 100% focused on connecting mystery and thriller fans with great books, including popular sub-genres Action, Assassination, Cozy, Crime, Conspiracy, Erotic, Historical, Horror, Humorous, Legal, Medical, Military, Mystery, Paranormal, Political, Psychological, Romantic Suspense, Sci-Fi, Spy, YA Thriller and many more.
How does the review process work?
Our priority is ensuring that we can continue to deliver top-level recommendations to readers. Within three business days after payment, we will evaluate your submission. If it is accepted, we will send you a personal email confirming our commitment and delivery schedule. If it is not a fit for any reason, we will issue a refund. Once we are finished reading your book and crafting your review, we’ll send it to you to make sure that it is accurate. Once you verify accuracy, we will schedule your book for publication.
Do you ever revise reviews? Can reviews be kept private?
We are always willing to make revisions for the sake of accuracy. Our opinions are non-negotiable. Should you disagree with our review or simply want to keep the feedback between us, you may request to keep the review private (non-published).
Will you review books before they are published?
Many book reviews are completed months prior to release (and in a few cases, more than a year in advance) so they can be used in marketing. Some authors even use them to try to get an agent or a publishing deal. In all cases, we are flexible on dates and will schedule publication with the book’s pre-sales or sale date.
I’m a publicist or represent a publisher. Will you work with me, or do you only work directly with authors?
Yes, we work with publishers and publicists constantly.
How much of the review will be plot summary?
Mystery and thriller fans care about plot above all else, and your premise has to hook readers as quickly as possible. Thus, ample summarization of the genre, style, characters and plot are required in our book reviews. However, we make every effort not to give away spoilers or other details in the process. Many authors prefer our plot summary to the one their teams have written, and end up using it as their new book marketing copy.