Beyond Fate, a new Supernatural Thriller by John B. Albion

Beyond Fate is the story of Tim Storey, a teacher from Port Washington who suddenly receives intuitive information that he believes may lead him to the whereabouts of four people who mysteriously disappeared.

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Time becomes obsessed with the information he seems to have been chosen to receive when he and a friend mistakenly wander onto the Clam Lake military base in Northern Wisconsin while deer hunting.

The interrogation they endure doesn’t seem to fit the error of trespassing, leading Tim to believe there is more to the base than appearances allow.

Unsure if the random clues refer to the coed or the fishing boat, he begins an investigation that leads him to the upper peninsula of Michigan and several startling discoveries. Tim meets the enigmatic Palmer, a conspiracy theorist and paranormal investigator who teams with him to solve the riddle of the missing in a journey that will change Tim’s life forever.

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