Romantic Suspense Thrillers

The best romantic suspense thriller book reviews. Romantic suspense involves virtually any suspense-driven story where survival is aided or hindered by an amorous relationship between primary characters.

Hour of Need, a new Erotic Military Thriller by Melinda Leigh

While fighting in Afghanistan, Major Grant Barrett receives devastating news: his brother and sister-in-law have been murdered in Scarlet Falls, the sleepy suburb of Grant’s youth. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”1477827072″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”334″]Emotionally scarred from war, the career soldier returns home on emergency leave to temporarily care for his orphaned nephew and niece. But when someone tries to kidnap […]

Hour of Need, a new Erotic Military Thriller by Melinda Leigh READ MORE >

Lethal Consequences, an Erotic Military Thriller by Elisabeth Naughton

Three months after rescuing Olivia Wolfe from danger, Aegis Security operative Landon Miller still can’t stop thinking about her, even though she’s off-limits in every way possible. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”1477820647″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”334″]Knowing he’s leaving Aegis and returning to the DIA soon, Landon decides it’s time for their flirty online relationship to end. But Olivia can’t stop thinking

Lethal Consequences, an Erotic Military Thriller by Elisabeth Naughton READ MORE >

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