Holding Patterns, a Fast-Paced Financial Thriller by James Chesterton

The Bottom Line: A fast-paced, pulse-pounding financial thriller that Sheldon Seigal fans will love.

It’s 2016, and Julian Maslow, an operations manager at global investment bank CFK, is staring down an accusation that he stole 16 million dollars. To say nothing of his reputation, this could mean the destruction of his luxe, full-grain leather lifestyle. He’s sent packing, pending an investigation, and finds himself home with nothing to do for the first time in decades.

Maslow is sure his name will be cleared soon. But it’s not long before the gravity of the situation sets in, and Maslow realizes he’s on borrowed time. He sets out to prove his innocence.

Like financial thriller titan Sheldon Seigal, author James Chesterton understands how to make even an investment banker seem sympathetic thanks to fully developed characterization. Throughout, Huk’s prose is as pressed and taut as a starched Brooks Brothers suit. While the pace is quick and engaging, he never sacrifices thoughtful detail.

Chesterton has also created a formidable opponent in SEC investigating attorney Frank Favara. The SEC attorney has an axe to grind, and is all too happy to deal a devastating blow to – as he thinks of Maslow and his ilk – entitled Wall Street thieves who have stolen fortunes from hardworking families. Favara certainly takes on some familiar tropes of the disheveled SEC attorney determined to knock the Connecticut-commuting Maslow down to the former outer borough he grew up in. And yet he comes to life with colorful dialogue and telling details such as his trademark Coleman backpack with attached thermos. Most importantly, there’s enough lawyerly maneuvering here to please legal thriller fans.

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