michael byars lewis

Brad Thor

10 Authors Like Brad Thor

Since the debut of his first novel in 2002, Brad Thor has become the gold standard for fans of military fiction, terrorism thrillers and political thrillers. But what happens when ravenous fans polish off Thor’s terrific back catalogue? I’m often asked by our readers: what are the best writers like Brad Thor? Brad Thor novels combine political intrigue, espionage, and compelling narratives with complex moral […]

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Retribution, a Must-Read Military Thriller by Michael Byars Lewis

The Bottom Line: This high-flying thrill ride is the perfect entry point to Lewis’ Jason Conrad USAF series. When budding student pilot Jason Conrad is offered the trip of a lifetime, big aerospace company Century Avionics sets to influence a few key elections, making for some not-so-friendly skies. Maniacal Philip Ashford, bent on avenging the death of his family, is on a continent-spanning killing spree.

Retribution, a Must-Read Military Thriller by Michael Byars Lewis READ MORE >

Veil of Deception by Michael Byars Lewis

Book Review: Veil of Deception, a Military Thriller by Michael Byars Lewis

The Bottom Line: This supremely satisfying military thriller hits all the right notes while establishing Lewis among the best in the genre. Highly recommended. The new F-2000 fighter jet is the most secretive project the Air Force has developed since the B-2 bomber. Featuring advanced stealth capability, vertical takeoff/landing and RPA, the ability to fly the aircraft remotely in the event that the pilot becomes incapacitated,

Book Review: Veil of Deception, a Military Thriller by Michael Byars Lewis READ MORE >

michael byars lewis

Book Review: Surly Bonds, a Military Thriller by Michael Byars Lewis

The Bottom Line: Guaranteed to please Brad Thor fans, this terrific military thriller finds Moscow hardliners plotting to assassinate the next U.S. president. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”0615663958″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51knrTLZ%2BJL.jpg” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]Moscow, 1995. A small group of communist hardliners, intent on overthrowing the existing Russian regime, gather to discuss operational details. Confident that their plans will work, there’s just one problem

Book Review: Surly Bonds, a Military Thriller by Michael Byars Lewis READ MORE >

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