kay scarpetta

5 Great Medical Thriller eBooks Guaranteed To Give You The Creeps

Did you love Dexter and NCIS? Is the X-File’s Dana Scully your dream date? Then turn off your TV and power up your Kindle, because there’s a wide world of medical thriller eBooks to explore. The plots are far more imaginative and entertaining than anything you’ll currently find on TV. Aside from being arguably among of the best medical thrillers published in the past decade, these five […]

5 Great Medical Thriller eBooks Guaranteed To Give You The Creeps READ MORE >

J.K. Rowling aka Robert Galbraith

The Best Five Mystery Book Series by Women Writers

So you’d like to read an amazing female-authored mystery suspense book series. Where to start?  Look no further! We’ve done the hard work for you. In a genre brimming with talent, ranking the top five mystery book series written by women is no easy task. To make our job easier, we’ve automatically excluded writers that haven’t been active in recent years (move over, Agatha Christie). We also set aside crossover

The Best Five Mystery Book Series by Women Writers READ MORE >