Action Thriller Books

The best action thriller book reviews. Action thrillers feature extensive fight scenes, battle scenarios or high-intensity adventure.

Lexicon novel by Max Barry

The Five Best Thrillers About Secret Societies

It’s easy to see why there are so many mysteries and thrillers written about secret societies. We’re so conditioned by films such as Angels and Demons and Rosemary’s Baby that the very mention of even a benign college organization like Yale’s Skull and Bones conjures images of candlelit initiations, pagan rotations and blood sacrifices. While many of the most gripping books about secret societies are centered around the Templar Knights and the […]

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PRIMAL Inception, a new Action Thriller by Jack Silkstone

PRIMAL Inception is a prequel in the PRIMAL series. It reveals the backstory of former CIA paramilitary operatives Ice and Vance. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00MQCND7W” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”336″] Kosovo, 1999. CIA operatives, Ice and Vance, are supporting a crack unit of Albanian rebels. War criminals by any standards, these brutal fighters are unlikely allies in a vicious ethnic conflict.

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Act of War by Brad Thor

Book Review: Act of War, a new Military Thriller from Brad Thor

The Bottom Line: With Act of War, Brad Thor has taken over the throne left vacant by Tom Clancy as the undisputed king of the military thriller. For military hardware geeks, Act of War delivers an entirely new level of bliss, with descriptions of technology and their uses that thunder off the page. Strap in for a fun-filled ride. [easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”1476717125″ cloaking=”default” height=”28″ key=”wide-orange” localization=”default” locale=”US”

Book Review: Act of War, a new Military Thriller from Brad Thor READ MORE >

The Lost Island by Douglas Preston & Lee Child

The Lost Island, a New Gideon Crew Novel by Lee Child & Douglas Preston

Who’s up for a treasure hunt? The dynamic duo of Preston & Child have served up another Gideon Crew novel. If anything screams “beach read” to us right now, it’s got to be this one. Here’s the premise: Gideon Crew -brilliant scientist, master thief – is living on borrowed time. When his mysterious employer, Eli Glinn, gives him an eyebrow-raising mission, he has no reason to

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A Better World Markus Sakey

Book Review: A Better World, a new Sci-Fi Thriller from Marcus Sakey

The Bottom Line: The second outing in the Brilliance Saga series manages to be even more riveting than the first. An ingenious hybrid of pulse-pounding conspiracy thriller and science fiction that is easily once of the year’s must-reads. [easyazon_block add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00IA7N7C8″ cloaking=”default” layout=”top” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”bestthricom-20″]If you haven’t yet read Sakey’s entry to the series, Brilliance, then consider it an obligatory appetizer. As good as

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Innocent Blood: The Order of the Sanguines Series

If you’ve read Blood Gospel, perhaps you’re already familiar with the story of two clans of vampires – one good, one evil – and the archeologist whose work invariably collides with their world. The premise for the new release is sure to resonate with fans of the original book: A vicious attack at a ranch in California thrusts archaeologist Erin Granger back into the folds

Innocent Blood: The Order of the Sanguines Series READ MORE >

New Military Thriller – Tom Clancy’s Command Authority

Tom Clancy practically invented the military thriller. Command Authority marks the first release since the author’s death, with Mark Greaney credited as a co-author. It’ll be interesting to to see whether Greaney will continue to author the Clancy franchise in the future, or whether the publisher is content to let Clancy’s empire remain as-is. The #1 New York Times-bestselling author and master of the modern day

New Military Thriller – Tom Clancy’s Command Authority READ MORE >

Thriller Review – Brad Thor’s Hidden Order

Brad Thor’s hero, Scot Harvath, just can’t catch a break. Just back from a mission to Somalia that has left him physically and emotionally spent, he’s saddled with another high-stakes mission (from the publisher): The most secretive organization in America operates without any accountability to the American people. Hiding in the shadows, pretending to be part of the United States government, its power is beyond

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