Historical Thriller Books

The best historical thriller book reviews. Historical thrillers feature suspenseful situations set in specific time periods, in which the survival of fictional characters are threatened by the real circumstances of prior historical eras and places.

The Republic of Virtue by Jefferson Flanders

Book Review: The Republic of Virtue, a new Historical Thriller from Jefferson Flanders

The Bottom Line: Historical suspense fans should get in on the ground floor of this riveting and spectacularly researched new series from Jefferson Flanders. [easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”0988784068″ cloaking=”default” height=”42″ key=”tall-orange” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”120″] [hr] The Republic of Virtue opens, appropriately enough, with a duel in 18th century Paris. It’s dawn at the Champ de Mars, and there are no witnesses. After […]

Book Review: The Republic of Virtue, a new Historical Thriller from Jefferson Flanders READ MORE >

Sanctus by Simon Toyne

The Five Best Religious Thrillers of All Time

For this list, we’re defining a ‘religious thriller’ as a pulse-pounding mystery, conspiracy or quest that uses religious artifacts, secrets or clergy at the core of the story. We chose not to be constrained in our criteria by claims of religious accuracy, Biblical or otherwise. After all, even the most devout authors often take liberties with commonly held beliefs in their storylines. Here are five great religious thriller books that have

The Five Best Religious Thrillers of All Time READ MORE >

The Best Thriller Books of 2014 – The Definitive List

Looking for a list of 2014’s best thriller books? First published back in early summer as “The Best of 2014 So Far,” we’ve updated this post as our reviewers have finalized their year-end lists. Whether you learn toward sci-fi thrillers, conspiracy fiction, medical thrillers, hard-boiled mysteries, vatican thrillers or are somewhere on the political end of the spectrum, there’s something here for you. Did we miss something great? Have

The Best Thriller Books of 2014 – The Definitive List READ MORE >

blood on the water by anne perry

Blood on the Water, a new Historical Thriller by Anne Perry

In Anne Perry’s twentieth William Monk mystery, she brings us to London’s grand Mayfair mansions, where the arrogant masters of the Western world hold sway—and to the teeming Thames waterfront, where one summer afternoon, Monk witnesses the horrifying explosion of the pleasure boat Princess Mary, which sends to their deaths nearly two hundred merrymakers. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”0345548434″ cloaking=”default” height=”160″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oqh9BkbgL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”bestthricom-20″

Blood on the Water, a new Historical Thriller by Anne Perry READ MORE >

Lexicon novel by Max Barry

The Five Best Thrillers About Secret Societies

It’s easy to see why there are so many mysteries and thrillers written about secret societies. We’re so conditioned by films such as Angels and Demons and Rosemary’s Baby that the very mention of even a benign college organization like Yale’s Skull and Bones conjures images of candlelit initiations, pagan rotations and blood sacrifices. While many of the most gripping books about secret societies are centered around the Templar Knights and the

The Five Best Thrillers About Secret Societies READ MORE >

An Officer and a Spy by Robert Harris

Book Review: Robert Harris’ Historical Thriller, An Officer and a Spy

The Bottom Line: A delicious police procedural based on one of France’s most intriguing real-life spy scandals. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00EBRU05I” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51I4467-aJL.jpg” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”338″]The bachelor detective in an Officer and a Spy is French, not Belgium. Rather than operating a private detective agency, he serves as an officer in the French government. Still, the fastidious observations of Georges Picquart

Book Review: Robert Harris’ Historical Thriller, An Officer and a Spy READ MORE >

The Lincoln Myth by Steve Berry

Book Review – Steve Berry’s Historical Thriller, The Lincoln Myth

The Bottom Line: Although historical fiction fans may have a hard time digesting Berry’s tale of power-hungry Mormons and secessionist conspiracies, the book delivers some crackling moments that are sure to keep fans of the existing Cotton Malone series engaged. The Review It’s really hard to critique Steve Berry’s Cotton Malone series – each new release is an international bestseller regardless of what’s contained on

Book Review – Steve Berry’s Historical Thriller, The Lincoln Myth READ MORE >

Hangman's Daughter Book

Book Review: The Hangman’s Daughter, a Historical Mystery by Oliver Pötzsch

The bottom line: A meticulously researched historical thriller that employs 17th century superstitions to create a highly original read that’s impossible to put down. By the time you finish the third chapter, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars that you live in the 21st century. [easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B003P9XMFI” cloaking=”default” height=”42″ key=”tall-orange” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”120″][hr] [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B003P9XMFI” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US”

Book Review: The Hangman’s Daughter, a Historical Mystery by Oliver Pötzsch READ MORE >

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