New Book Releases

The latest mystery and thriller book reviews, including crime fiction, legal thrillers, historical fiction, horror, fantasy, medical, romantic suspense, sci-fi and much more.

Book Review: Justin Cronin’s The Passage

Earlier in the year, we called Justin Cronin the ultimate literary outlier. Cronin, the winner of the Pen/Faulkner award for a book that his Iowa Writer’s Workshop cronies must have admired, went off and wrote himself a gory-ass vampire novel. For those of you unfamiliar with the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, it ‘s far more prestigious than its name implies. Somehow, the most storied graduate writing […]

Book Review: Justin Cronin’s The Passage READ MORE >

Best Thrillers: The Summer Reading List, Part 1

Already thinking about beach books for summer vacation? Consider these new and upcoming thrillers. Line of Succession, by William Tyree After a series of political assassinations throw Washington leadership into disarray, a group of Pentagon insiders begin retaliating against Islamic radicals abroad while several forces seemingly vie for control of the White House behind the scenes. All is far from what it seems, however, as

Best Thrillers: The Summer Reading List, Part 1 READ MORE >

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