Dennis Meredith

The Best Medical Thriller Books of The 21st Century

The best medical thriller books of the 21st Century range from conspiracies about terrifying places where shocking research is carried out, to period pieces about the horrors of mental institutions. Elsewhere, technology threatens to take something that seems like a cure and turn it into something positively lethal. Fertility treatments are invented to save humanity, only to go horribly awry. And don’t forget what may […]

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The Neuromorphs, a Visionary Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith

The Bottom Line: Visionary, wildly entertaining sci-fi that echoes our current societal challenges while showcasing technology that is only slightly out of reach. In 2050, the combination of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence has resulted in breathtaking societal benefits. Helper Robots that look and feel much like humans are ideal servants, sexual playthings and at times, even lifesavers. But like any true AI, Helper engineers

The Neuromorphs, a Visionary Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith READ MORE >

The Happy Chip, One of the Year’s Best Medical Thrillers

The Bottom Line: A hugely satisfying blend of ripped-from-the-headlines science fiction and suspense, The Happy Chip is one of the year’s best medical thrillers. Highly recommended. Human beings have used mood-altering drugs – ranging from roots to prescription drugs – for thousands of years. Author Dennis Meredith’s  The Happy Chip takes the idea a step further by imagining a world in which an implanted nanochip

The Happy Chip, One of the Year’s Best Medical Thrillers READ MORE >

Wormholes by Dennis Meredith

Book Review: Wormholes, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith

The Bottom Line: A spectacularly written apocalypse thriller that seems destined for the big screen. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00F60YLD6″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]Are those scary sinkholes we see in the news really caused by dissolving carbonate rock? Or could they instead be a sign of something far more mysterious and terrifying? That’s the addictive premise of Dennis Meredith’s sci-fi novel,

Book Review: Wormholes, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith READ MORE >

The Cerulean’s Secret

Book Review: The Cerulean’s Secret, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith

The Bottom Line: A hilarious, wildly imaginative sci-fi caper that never lets up until the very last page. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”193911814X” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]The Cerulean’s Secret[/easyazon_image]Is artificial intelligence really the biggest threat to humanity, or is it actually bioengineering? It’s the year 2050 in Dennis Meredith’s The Cerulean’s Secret, and the wonders of genomic technology have produced some

Book Review: The Cerulean’s Secret, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith READ MORE >

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