Bella Wright

Bella Wright blogs about books, film and media.

Best Books: 5 G-Men Turned Novelists

Many people who worked in national security and espionage—professions that prize discretion—have turned to successful careers as novelists. These former spies, security advisers, counter-terrorism operators and intelligence directors lend a realistic, veteran approach to their prose, but their books still don’t give up all their secrets. Here are some of the best. John Stockwell A former CIA agent, Stockwell resigned and made a splash with […]

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Hangman's Daughter Book

Book Review: The Hangman’s Daughter, a Historical Mystery by Oliver Pötzsch

The bottom line: A meticulously researched historical thriller that employs 17th century superstitions to create a highly original read that’s impossible to put down. By the time you finish the third chapter, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars that you live in the 21st century. [easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B003P9XMFI” cloaking=”default” height=”42″ key=”tall-orange” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”120″][hr] [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B003P9XMFI” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US”

Book Review: The Hangman’s Daughter, a Historical Mystery by Oliver Pötzsch READ MORE >

Jeremy Robinson SecondWorld

Book Review: SecondWorld, a Sci-Fi Medical Thriller by Jeremy Robinson

The Bottom Line: This stunner by Jeremy Robinson takes a horrific Nazi biological experiment and twists it into a futuristic end-of-times adventure. You’ll find yourself rooting for Lincoln Miller, the razor-sharp NCIS agent who is drawn perfectly human in this otherwise off-its-rocker world. Fair warning: the first chapter of this otherwise great book is so campy, and its depictions of Nazi officials so stereotypical, that you may be tempted

Book Review: SecondWorld, a Sci-Fi Medical Thriller by Jeremy Robinson READ MORE >

Vince Flynn’s Kill Shot Available for Pre-Order

The wait is over for all you Vince Flynn fans out there! His new book, Kill Shot, is now available. Here’s wishing Vince good health, and another bestseller! For months, Mitch Rapp has been steadily working his way through a list of men, bullet by bullet. With each kill, the tangled network of monsters responsible for the slaughter of 270 civilians becomes increasingly clear. He

Vince Flynn’s Kill Shot Available for Pre-Order READ MORE >

Best Books: Top 5 Psychological Thrillers of the 2000s

What makes a great psychological thriller? First and foremost, a confounding mystery that is disturbing and at times nearly hallucinogenic. A compelling protagonist whose life is in constant danger. A juicy assortment of clues, both red herrings and genuine puzzle pieces, that don’t quite fit into place until the very end. And a master craftsman at the help who can simultaneously draw the reader in,

Best Books: Top 5 Psychological Thrillers of the 2000s READ MORE >

Best Thrillers: The Summer Reading List, Part 1

Already thinking about beach books for summer vacation? Consider these new and upcoming thrillers. Line of Succession, by William Tyree After a series of political assassinations throw Washington leadership into disarray, a group of Pentagon insiders begin retaliating against Islamic radicals abroad while several forces seemingly vie for control of the White House behind the scenes. All is far from what it seems, however, as

Best Thrillers: The Summer Reading List, Part 1 READ MORE >

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