Thriller Book Reviews

The best thriller book reviews, including crime, fantasy, historical fiction, horror, legal thrillers, medical, psychological thrillers, sci-fi and more.

Wormholes by Dennis Meredith

Book Review: Wormholes, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith

The Bottom Line: A spectacularly written apocalypse thriller that seems destined for the big screen. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00F60YLD6″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]Are those scary sinkholes we see in the news really caused by dissolving carbonate rock? Or could they instead be a sign of something far more mysterious and terrifying? That’s the addictive premise of Dennis Meredith’s sci-fi novel, […]

Book Review: Wormholes, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith READ MORE >

Mountain Place of Knowledge

Book Review: The Mountain Place of Knowledge, an Action Thriller by Marshall Chamberlain

The Bottom Line: A winning blend of adventure, archeology, and sci-fi that is tailor-made for James Rollins fans and all thriller lovers. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”1493554352″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]Could the most powerful technology the world has ever known be held within an ancient Mayan site? That’s the question facing Calvin Stanvich, Curator of the Belize Museum of Natural History.

Book Review: The Mountain Place of Knowledge, an Action Thriller by Marshall Chamberlain READ MORE >

Exit by Thomas Davidson

Book Review: Exit, a Paranormal Thriller by Thomas Davidson

The Bottom Line: Black Mirror fans will be drawn in by Thomas Davidson’s engrossing, hallucinatory tale of a screenwriter who stumbles into another dimension. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00LEYHG80″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]Meet Tim Crowe, a quirky screenwriter with a detached retina. After nearly losing his eye and fighting with his girlfriend, Tim takes his prescription eyedrops to the Gateway Theatre

Book Review: Exit, a Paranormal Thriller by Thomas Davidson READ MORE >

Rise of The Iron Eagle

Book Review: Rise of The Iron Eagle, a Crime Thriller by Roy A. Teel Jr.

The Bottom Line: Dexter fans may find their new anti-hero in Roy A. Teel Jr.’s pulpy crime thriller. Can two of LA’s most dedicated crime fighters stop the city’s most notorious serial killer? Jeff Lindsay’s classic novel, Darkly Dreaming Dexter, gave rise to a completely new kind of protagonist – a serial killer that hunts serial killers. Roy A. Teel Jr.’s Rise of the Iron Eagle

Book Review: Rise of The Iron Eagle, a Crime Thriller by Roy A. Teel Jr. READ MORE >

The Cerulean’s Secret

Book Review: The Cerulean’s Secret, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith

The Bottom Line: A hilarious, wildly imaginative sci-fi caper that never lets up until the very last page. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”193911814X” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]The Cerulean’s Secret[/easyazon_image]Is artificial intelligence really the biggest threat to humanity, or is it actually bioengineering? It’s the year 2050 in Dennis Meredith’s The Cerulean’s Secret, and the wonders of genomic technology have produced some

Book Review: The Cerulean’s Secret, a Sci-Fi Thriller by Dennis Meredith READ MORE >

Concealment by Rose Edmunds

Book Review: Concealment, a Psychological Thriller by Rose Edmunds

The Bottom Line: A breathless, blistering psychological thriller guaranteed to hold you captive until the very last page is read. The financial services industry is well-known for its cutthroat culture, and Rose Edmunds’ scathing novel, Concealment, adds a layer of deliciously loathsome behavior to the sector’s reputation. The story is told from the point of view of Amy, a powerful finance executive. For Amy, every

Book Review: Concealment, a Psychological Thriller by Rose Edmunds READ MORE >

Fatal Snow by Robert Walton

Book Review: Fatal Snow, a Western Crime Thriller by Robert Walton

The Bottom Line: A spectacularly written western crime thriller from a master wordsmith. Can a world-weary archaeologist escape his violent past and find happiness at last? [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”1620063794″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”313″]On hiatus from his latest dig, Harry Thursday is on a road trip to Yellowstone with his friend, Connor. The two men stumble upon the rustic-looking Araphaho

Book Review: Fatal Snow, a Western Crime Thriller by Robert Walton READ MORE >

Las Lugosi's Dracula

Book Review: Las Lugosi’s Dracula: The Cradle of Evil

The Bottom Line: A wildly successful retelling of the vampire legend set behind the 1980s iron curtain. An entire generation’s notion of the Dracula myth has been defined by the Twilight series. Can anyone breathe (ahem) new life into the story in a way that is both original and yet faithful to the original legend? [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”1312811315″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default”

Book Review: Las Lugosi’s Dracula: The Cradle of Evil READ MORE >

Common Enemy by Richard Bach

Book Review: Common Enemy, a Crime Thriller by Richard David Bach

The Bottom Line: This nearly perfect summer beach read is a riveting tale of over-the-top revenge and murder on the high seas. Will it ever be safe to take a cruise again? [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B007IB4U00″ cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”375″]Real-world headlines about the dangers of cruise ships pale in comparison to the problems suffered by Camelot Cruise Line in Common

Book Review: Common Enemy, a Crime Thriller by Richard David Bach READ MORE >

Colony of the Lost

Book Review: Colony of the Lost, a Supernatural Thriller by Derik Cavignano

The Bottom Line: An immensely satisfying paranormal thriller that manages to be playful, haunting and engrossing all at once. [easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”left” asin=”B00SPIJGJK” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”//” tag=”bestthricom-20″ width=”333″]When people in Glenwood say they are battling “demons,” they don’t just mean that metaphorically. Built on the ruins of a lost Puritan settlement, this small, affluent Massachusetts town has problems that only some

Book Review: Colony of the Lost, a Supernatural Thriller by Derik Cavignano READ MORE >

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