Thriller Reviews

The best thriller book reviews, including crime, fantasy, historical fiction, horror, legal thrillers, medical, psychological thrillers, sci-fi and more.

Stable, a Harrowing Rescue Thriller by Cam Torrens

The Bottom Line: A harrowing rescue thriller with a truly magnetic hero at its core. In Cam Torrens’ debut novel, nine-year-old Janae is visiting her aunt and uncles’ rural home in the Colorado Rockies when she’s mistaken for a girl named Kendall. She’s abducted, hooded and driven to a secluded barn – a place known as “the stable” – where a man known as Jefe markets […]

Stable, a Harrowing Rescue Thriller by Cam Torrens READ MORE >

License to Die, a Fun and Action-Packed Bond Satire by Haris Orkin

The Bottom Line: The good times roll in License to Die, perhaps the best entry yet in Haris Orkin’s action-packed, fun and touching Bond satire series.  We first met international super spy James Flynn in Orkin’s hilarious James Bond parody Goldhammer. As a resident of a City of Roses Psychiatric Institute, he believed he was at the headquarters of His Majesty’s Secret Service. License to Die takes Flynn to a

License to Die, a Fun and Action-Packed Bond Satire by Haris Orkin READ MORE >

They Became Silent (Book 2), a Highly Recommended Conspiracy Thriller

The Bottom Line: A terrifying conspiracy thriller that blends real-life history with a fight for survival that is every bit as imaginative as The Hunger Games. Highly recommended.  They Became Silent (Book 2) picks up where the first installment left off, following the tragic death of a beloved civil rights leader. Violence has shaken cities across America and is subject to strictly enforced sundown curfew, with security

They Became Silent (Book 2), a Highly Recommended Conspiracy Thriller READ MORE >

Havana Hangover, a Jaw-Dropping Destination Thriller by Randy Richardson

The Bottom Line: A jaw-dropping destination thriller featuring exotic locations, mortally divisive characters and a won’t-see-it-coming twist. Havana Hangover begins in Miami International Airport in 2016, as 30-year-old attorney Tanner Ford and estranged best friend Jackson Swift are about to board a flight to Cuba. From the beginning, it’s clear that something is badly amiss. First, the pair fly into Cuba’s beach resort town, Varadero, instead of

Havana Hangover, a Jaw-Dropping Destination Thriller by Randy Richardson READ MORE >

Alaska Deadly, an Absorbing Detective Thriller by J.L. Askew

The Bottom Line: A fully absorbing detective thriller with a highly original PI you can’t help but root for. Fans of Dennis Lehane and Tana French will love Askew’s atmospheric style. Alaska Deadly finds private detective Race Warren working his first case, and the Memphis PI is under the impression it’s going to be like a paid vacation. All he has to do is travel to

Alaska Deadly, an Absorbing Detective Thriller by J.L. Askew READ MORE >

Little Follies, a Magical Crime Caper by Carolyn Korsmeyer

The Bottom Line: This magical eastern European crime caper is filled with crackling romantic suspense, priceless artifacts, stoic philosophy and a truly stunning character arc.  As two Americans embark on a journey to Krakow in 1999, their quest to test the waters of a budding romance inadvertently thrust them into a web of theft, murder and magic. While in Poland, historian Adam Kasper is drawn

Little Follies, a Magical Crime Caper by Carolyn Korsmeyer READ MORE >

House of Giral, a Spellbinding Medical Thriller by Mark Laurence Latowsky

The Bottom Line: A spellbinding medical thriller that artfully blends the concepts of past lives and genomic imprinting into a truly fresh novel.  During a Saturday night jog in Florida, an obscure piece of music trivia comes to psychologist Jennifer “Jo” Hart. She has no idea why she knows this. In the next instant, she’s shaken by a memory of herself at age fourteen so

House of Giral, a Spellbinding Medical Thriller by Mark Laurence Latowsky READ MORE >

Runway Dreams, a Humorous and Addictive Murder Mystery

The Bottom Line: We’re smitten by this exceptionally fresh, high-watt glam murder mystery. Curvaceous model Bernadette has an amazing house, a close-knit family, a trust fund, and a law degree to fall back upon if she ever grows tired of modeling. What could be missing in her life? Love, of course. Soon after dipping her designer heels into the world of online dating, Bernadette meets

Runway Dreams, a Humorous and Addictive Murder Mystery READ MORE >

The Serpent’s Teeth, a Wildly Absorbing Murder Mystery by Stephen Kronwith, MD

The Bottom Line: This wildly absorbing, innovative murder mystery is a must-read for Agatha Christie fans.   As The Serpent’s Teeth opens, an enigmatic assassin embarks on a curiously easy mission. As he prepares to enter the opulent estate, he has no need to hack its security system – instead, he simply logs in with the credentials his employer provided. Once inside, he finds his target, 79-year-old

The Serpent’s Teeth, a Wildly Absorbing Murder Mystery by Stephen Kronwith, MD READ MORE >

Liable, a Captivating Destination Thriller by Karen S. Gordon

The Bottom Line: A captivating destination thriller with all the ingredients for a perfect beach read: betrayal, sex and deadly games on an exotic island.  As Vance Courage and Lauren Gold board a private charter for a gambling trip in the Bahamas, none of their fellow passengers are who they appear to be. There’s Tonk, whose appearance – man-bun, weak chin and a Get Shorty

Liable, a Captivating Destination Thriller by Karen S. Gordon READ MORE >

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